FKA Brands Limited is committed to ensure that no forced labour is used in the manufacture of our products. Our staff visit our factories several times a year and are trained in how to spot signs of Forced Labour. In the rare exceptions where we do not regularly visit the factory it is independently audited by a team of social auditors from a reputable firm of auditors with a head office in Europe at least every other year.
We have employees permanently based in China to enable us to visit our factories regularly and talk to factory workers in their own language.
Before taking products from a new factory they must meet our standards which include inspection for the use of Forced Labour and commit to the non-use of Forced Labour in the manufacture of our products.FKA and all of our factories are members of Europe’s largest Social Monitoring Organisation SEDEX which shares factory social audits amongst manufacturers and retailers.
In 2020 our key factories that account for over 96% of the products we sell were also audited independently by leading EU based teams of social auditors at least every other year, up from 66% in 2015.
Every year all of our factories reconfirm their obligations not to use Forced Labour in the manufacture of our products. In a 2020 survey of our suppliers:
97% are aware of the need to monitor the whole supply chain
88% are already monitoring their suppliers
These numbers exclude our purchases of Medical Masks in 2020 to support the general public and the care home industry which will not be recurring purchases. The 2 suppliers also supplied national governments in the EU and were visited by our appointed inspection team.
During the coming year FKA will be following up on these results to review the supporting evidence, ensure that all suppliers are monitoring their supply chain and improve the monitoring of our supply chain.
We have never detected any use of Forced Labour in the manufacture of our products.
For a copy of our latest Section 54 statement on our compliance to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, please
click here.